Tiny Minim
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yonosk since 11.30.84 from Tokyo , Japan
artist nickelback, nickel creek, the corrs, taylor swift, paramore...
music Huey Lewis - Once Upon A Time in New York City
genre Jazz, Irish, Rock (British, American, Canadian)
album "No Name Face" from Lifehouse.
movie Leon, Coyote Ugly, Wicker Park
actor Johnny Depp, Gary Oldman, Mel Gibson,
actress Emma Stone, Keira Knightley, Tanaka Rena, Miyazaki Aoi
character Wood Stock, Danny First, Classic Pooh
color #FF6600, #118800
words Simply The Best

  what I can play
Piano, Guitar, Bass, Digjeridu, Flute, Tin Whistle
contact mail
fanlisting INME Fan Silver Side Up Fan Chad Kroeger Fan Lifehouse Lovers Union Lifehouse Fan! Everything Fan Camino Palmero Fan
Ana Johnsson Fan michelle branch fan Kiera Knightley Fan Kirsten Dunst Fan Natalie Portman Fan Paul Walker Fan TheWoodstockFanlisting